Ali Gödil

Artist. Designer. Creative Director. Filmmaker. 
Founder of House of Gül. 

Art, when inspired with love, leads to higher realms. Love art, and that art will open for you the inner life.
        When you paint, you forget everything except your object. When you are too much engrossed in it you are lost in it; and when you are lost in it, your ego diminishes, Love infinite appears; and when Love is created, God is attained. So you see how art can lead one to find Infinite God.

Meher Baba

Ali Gödil

Artist. Designer. Creative Director. Filmmaker.
Founder of House of Gül.

Art, when inspired with love, leads to higher realms. Love art, and that art will open for you the inner life.
        When you paint, you forget everything except your object. When you are too much engrossed in it you are lost in it; and when you are lost in it, your ego diminishes, Love infinite appears; and when Love is created, God is attained. So you see how art can lead one to find Infinite God.

Meher Baba

Zeit Magazine
Illustrated an article cover story for Zeit Campus magazine in Germany. The article was about traveling abroad and the different tips for German students who are studying in new countries. I anchored the piece in the typography Fernweh, which is longing for travel in German. And then illustrated with different symbology that reminds me of home and travel, as well as custom lettering to go with the different recommendations.


Ali Gödil is a globally celebrated artist, designer and filmmaker. He is the founder of House of Gül, Strawberry Ranch, and Gul Gallery - Working to bring love and bliss from the astral plane to the physical realm through art and creative expression.